What Our Fans are Saying

“That was an epic journey! The talent, the story, the music, the laughs. Loved it. Bravo all!” - Allison


“Thank you for one of the best things in a long time...It was awesome, and inspiring.” - Kristen


“The band was so tight! The music was amazing.” - Jolie D.


"We got really good feedback and thought provoking conversation from the teen! He kept thanking us for bringing him...he was talking about environmentalism and racism and all of it on the car ride home. SO COOL!" - Andrea

“We had a great time...Quite an amazing production. Looking forward to seeing it again.” - Trevor H.


“The show was so cool, funny, creative, and awesome.” 
- Jeff S.


“So when are we going to Broadway?!” - Danielle


“You were so incredible! Thank you for sharing your art with the world!” Neal R.


“We loved it! Really incredible and astonishing...Wow.” - Darren L.

“The whole show, music, story, and graphics were fabulous...Bravo!!” 
- Lillian B.


“My favorite [song] from the show...it was in my head all night. Amazing performance last night!” - Erica M


“That [show] broke boundaries” - AnnaLillian M.


“That was one amazing performance last night. You all have very unique harmonics and style. Surface Walkers has its own unique stamp for sure. And deep, too. Kinda hits close to home which I guess is the point...Rock on!” - Jimmy T.